Hockey Talk Show
The Philadelphia Flyers Rage Room, Patrick Marleau signs with San Jose, Doughty Tkachuk Feud

The Philadelphia Flyers Rage Room, Patrick Marleau signs with San Jose, Doughty Tkachuk Feud

The Philadelphia Flyers Rage Room, Patrick Marleau signs with San Jose, Doughty Tkachuk Feud

Evgeni Malkin Injury, Crosby Fights, Rangers Trade Namestnikov, Canucks New Captain

Brayden Schenn Resigns, Ho Sang Demands Trade
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I'm an avid Hockey fan. I live for the game. I love to talk about it. What I found was a strong lack of being able to interact with other Hockey fans when news happened. So I thought why not create a forum where we can talk.
But I wanted it to be live and interactive. I wanted to be able to talk to people as stories in Hockey where developing. That's how The Hockey Talk Show was born.
I'm a former employee of the New York Islanders and I currently host a morning show on WEHM Radio on Long Island. I have two kids and have been happily married to the love of my life since 2014.
What we've created with The Hockey Talk Show is really exciting and I'm thrilled with the response so far and I look forward to growing this audience and community for years to come so we'll always have a place to gather and talk about the game that we love!